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“I’m Spottedflight. You?”
-Spottedflight to Amberfire at the gathering

“What are you up to today? Me? Being unaverage. Now don’t you go and snicker, young one.”
-Spottedflight goofing around with Shadepaw

Spottedflight: About


“I’m Spottedflight. You?”
-Spottedflight to Amberfire at the gathering

“What are you up to today? Me? Being unaverage. Now don’t you go and snicker, young one.”
-Spottedflight goofing around with Shadepaw



Past Names:
Spottedkit, Spottedpaw
Future Names:
Spotty, Fruitie (By her mum only)
34 Moons
Heterosexual, Straight
Starclan, Dark Forest
Past Clans/Affiliations:
Future Clans/Affiliations:

Likes + Dislikes

Favorite Color:
Mint green
Favorite Word:
Favorite Sound:
Kittens mewling
Favorite Food:

Least Favorite Color:
Least Favorite Word:
Least Favorite Sound:
Hawk screeching
Least Favorite Food:
Frog (Who eats that?)


Base Coat:
A pale tan, almost cream colored
Fur Length:
Medium length, wispy
Fur Texture:
Soft, wispy, spongy
Fur Color(s):
Medium warm gray, pale orange, russet, cream, tan
Mottled calico markings with organic shaped splotches along her fur
Eye Color:
Ochre, pale mint green flecks with hints of yellow
One nasty scar on her right hind paw that snakes down her leg
She has a Thyroid Condition where she will lay in her nest for around three hours after going to bed before she actually falls asleep. She is very groggy in the mornings, so beware her dark side
Mwahahaha >:3

Body Type:
Lithe, skinny
Rich, very calm and soothing
She smells of heather and clear streams


Deepest Darkest Secret:
Biggest Fear:
Being murdered
Worst Nightmare:
Getting into the Dark Forest (a very scary elder told a tale of the Dark Forest in her kithood, hasn’t let go of that fear to this day)


Immediate Family:
Oakspeckle, Female, Deceased, Starclan Resident
Sparrowheart, Male, Deceased, Starclan Resident
Ashen, Male, Alive, Residence Unknown 

Love Interest:
Current Mate:
Past Mate(s):
Future Mate(s): 

Best Friend(s): 
She doesn’t do ‘best friends’. More of a “This is who I hang out with”
Shadepaw, Female, Alive, Windclan Apprentice
Starlingclaw, Female, Alive, Windclan Warrior
Rabbitblaze, Female, Alive, Windclan Warrior
Amberfire, Female, Alive, Skyclan Warrior
Slashface, Male, Alive, Riverclan Warrior


Spottedflight is a very classy cat.
Actually, scrap that.
She is normally kind and caring, always willing to lend a paw to help out anyone. Wether it be a kit, Apprentice, Warrior or Elder, she’s there to help catch prey, entertain them, or just get that one stubborn tick off their back.
She doesn’t mind getting dirty.
She actually likes the chores of cleaning her nest and the elders, and she loves how neat and orderly everything is when she’s completed. Also determined, if she starts a task she’ll try to finish it quickly and efficiently.
She may not be the best at fighting, as she has a few problems. Her main flaw is that she acts all big and tough, but when a larger warrior comes along, out the window that act goes. She will play it off by simply smack talking them, then hiding behind another warrior until it looks safe enough to attack.
While very scared of bigger warriors, she will soon shake it off and try to defend what she says, whether tooth or claw.
She is also very comedic. 
Her main goal when joking around is to make others feel happy, or just to hear them laugh. She is openly flirtatious with toms, teasing them to evoke a smile or blush. She often likes to amuse apprentices, and constantly goofs off, even if she gets in trouble.
In times of trouble, she will do anything for her clan. She is brave, and will constantly sacrifice her goals if she can help another cat reach theirs. 
This does cause a problem though, as she will always put herself behind others, making their lives her own.
Thus, she doesn’t like to bother others with her own problems. If something is making her sad or angry, she will keep her feelings contained and focus on others first. If she must, she will tell others what’s going on in her life, but will mostly stay calm and reserved unless someone asks her how she is.
Also, don’t interact with her in the mornings. The sweet and special princess might just send you to the executioner if you make her grumpy.
Diseases/Mental Conditions:
She does suffer from Anxiety, making her very nervous about tension at Gatherings or battles
Mental Age:
36 Moons
Mental Health:


Born to Oakspeckle of Windclan and Sparrowheart of Windclan, she has relatively pure blood running in her veins. Her mother prided herself on this, and selected Sparrowheart, who was of extremely pure blood also, to be her mate as she didn’t wish to taint her ancestor’s hard work by having kits with mixed blood.
At first, Sparrowheart didn’t exactly wish to be Oakspeckle’s mate, as she was pushy and stubborn. He also didn’t exactly approve of her beliefs, as she often drove a wedge between him and her friends, who were of mixed blood. After awhile, she convinced him that he loved her, and she bore kits.
Spottedkit was born on a fling, but the brief relationship between her mother and father blossomed. Not exactly in a good way- as Oakspeckle forced Sparrowheart to remain the father of her kits as she didn’t want to raise them alone. Sparrowheart was unwilling to continue the parental relationship, but was soon pressured into thinking it was his duty to watch over the lives of his offspring.
When Spottedkit and Ashkit were born, they were brought up into a very caring, but strict family. They were oblivious to their parent’s fighting, and often ignored when Sparrowheart and Oakspeckle quarreled over their fake love.
She and her brother Ashkit were closer than peas in a pod, and often relied on each other for entertainment.
Her family raised her to know that half-clanners were creatures made from improper blood and that she should never waste her time on them.
Of course, Spottedkit made friends with kits who weren’t to her parents’ standards. She was instantly put apart from others, but when her mother passed away giving birth to her second litter of kits (the two were stillborn), Spottedpaw was finally permitted to hang out with all types of cats.
Her father, Sparrowheart, let go of his strict parenting and often played with Spottedpaw and her brother, Ashpaw. Ashpaw then left Windclan as a statement, as he somehow disapproved of clan life after experiencing his first real battle, in which Spottedpaw had broken her leg. (Where her scar is from) Spottedpaw then became Spottedflight, for her carefree attitude and her courage and compassion for her clan. 
As of current, she is a strong and healthy warrior of Windclan.


Strength: 7/10
Speed: 9/10
Agility: 8/10
Smarts: 8/10
Bravery: 7/10
Shy or Bold?: Bold
Calm or Eccentric?: Eccentric, but calm at times
More Logical or Emotional?: On the fence

Spottedflight: About



Past Names:
Spottedkit, Spottedpaw
Future Names:
Spotty, Fruitie (By her mum only)
34 Moons
Heterosexual, Straight
Starclan, Dark Forest
Past Clans/Affiliations:
Future Clans/Affiliations:

Likes + Dislikes

Favorite Color:
Mint green
Favorite Word:
Favorite Sound:
Kittens mewling
Favorite Food:

Least Favorite Color:
Least Favorite Word:
Least Favorite Sound:
Hawk screeching
Least Favorite Food:
Frog (Who eats that?)


Base Coat:
A pale tan, almost cream colored
Fur Length:
Medium length, wispy
Fur Texture:
Soft, wispy, spongy
Fur Color(s):
Medium warm gray, pale orange, russet, cream, tan
Mottled calico markings with organic shaped splotches along her fur
Eye Color:
Ochre, pale mint green flecks with hints of yellow
One nasty scar on her right hind paw that snakes down her leg
She has a Thyroid Condition where she will lay in her nest for around three hours after going to bed before she actually falls asleep. She is very groggy in the mornings, so beware her dark side
Mwahahaha >:3

Body Type:
Lithe, skinny
Rich, very calm and soothing
She smells of heather and clear streams


Deepest Darkest Secret:
Biggest Fear:
Being murdered
Worst Nightmare:
Getting into the Dark Forest (a very scary elder told a tale of the Dark Forest in her kithood, hasn’t let go of that fear to this day)


Immediate Family:
Oakspeckle, Female, Deceased, Starclan Resident
Sparrowheart, Male, Deceased, Starclan Resident
Ashen, Male, Alive, Residence Unknown 

Love Interest:
Current Mate:
Past Mate(s):
Future Mate(s): 

Best Friend(s): 
She doesn’t do ‘best friends’. More of a “This is who I hang out with”
Shadepaw, Female, Alive, Windclan Apprentice
Starlingclaw, Female, Alive, Windclan Warrior
Rabbitblaze, Female, Alive, Windclan Warrior
Amberfire, Female, Alive, Skyclan Warrior
Slashface, Male, Alive, Riverclan Warrior


Spottedflight is a very classy cat.
Actually, scrap that.
She is normally kind and caring, always willing to lend a paw to help out anyone. Wether it be a kit, Apprentice, Warrior or Elder, she’s there to help catch prey, entertain them, or just get that one stubborn tick off their back.
She doesn’t mind getting dirty.
She actually likes the chores of cleaning her nest and the elders, and she loves how neat and orderly everything is when she’s completed. Also determined, if she starts a task she’ll try to finish it quickly and efficiently.
She may not be the best at fighting, as she has a few problems. Her main flaw is that she acts all big and tough, but when a larger warrior comes along, out the window that act goes. She will play it off by simply smack talking them, then hiding behind another warrior until it looks safe enough to attack.
While very scared of bigger warriors, she will soon shake it off and try to defend what she says, whether tooth or claw.
She is also very comedic. 
Her main goal when joking around is to make others feel happy, or just to hear them laugh. She is openly flirtatious with toms, teasing them to evoke a smile or blush. She often likes to amuse apprentices, and constantly goofs off, even if she gets in trouble.
In times of trouble, she will do anything for her clan. She is brave, and will constantly sacrifice her goals if she can help another cat reach theirs. 
This does cause a problem though, as she will always put herself behind others, making their lives her own.
Thus, she doesn’t like to bother others with her own problems. If something is making her sad or angry, she will keep her feelings contained and focus on others first. If she must, she will tell others what’s going on in her life, but will mostly stay calm and reserved unless someone asks her how she is.
Also, don’t interact with her in the mornings. The sweet and special princess might just send you to the executioner if you make her grumpy.
Diseases/Mental Conditions:
She does suffer from Anxiety, making her very nervous about tension at Gatherings or battles
Mental Age:
36 Moons
Mental Health:


Born to Oakspeckle of Windclan and Sparrowheart of Windclan, she has relatively pure blood running in her veins. Her mother prided herself on this, and selected Sparrowheart, who was of extremely pure blood also, to be her mate as she didn’t wish to taint her ancestor’s hard work by having kits with mixed blood.
At first, Sparrowheart didn’t exactly wish to be Oakspeckle’s mate, as she was pushy and stubborn. He also didn’t exactly approve of her beliefs, as she often drove a wedge between him and her friends, who were of mixed blood. After awhile, she convinced him that he loved her, and she bore kits.
Spottedkit was born on a fling, but the brief relationship between her mother and father blossomed. Not exactly in a good way- as Oakspeckle forced Sparrowheart to remain the father of her kits as she didn’t want to raise them alone. Sparrowheart was unwilling to continue the parental relationship, but was soon pressured into thinking it was his duty to watch over the lives of his offspring.
When Spottedkit and Ashkit were born, they were brought up into a very caring, but strict family. They were oblivious to their parent’s fighting, and often ignored when Sparrowheart and Oakspeckle quarreled over their fake love.
She and her brother Ashkit were closer than peas in a pod, and often relied on each other for entertainment.
Her family raised her to know that half-clanners were creatures made from improper blood and that she should never waste her time on them.
Of course, Spottedkit made friends with kits who weren’t to her parents’ standards. She was instantly put apart from others, but when her mother passed away giving birth to her second litter of kits (the two were stillborn), Spottedpaw was finally permitted to hang out with all types of cats.
Her father, Sparrowheart, let go of his strict parenting and often played with Spottedpaw and her brother, Ashpaw. Ashpaw then left Windclan as a statement, as he somehow disapproved of clan life after experiencing his first real battle, in which Spottedpaw had broken her leg. (Where her scar is from) Spottedpaw then became Spottedflight, for her carefree attitude and her courage and compassion for her clan. 
As of current, she is a strong and healthy warrior of Windclan.


Strength: 7/10
Speed: 9/10
Agility: 8/10
Smarts: 8/10
Bravery: 7/10
Shy or Bold?: Bold
Calm or Eccentric?: Eccentric, but calm at times
More Logical or Emotional?: On the fence

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